Postnatal Care, Going, Going…
Thursday, 06 September 2018 by PrivateMidwives
Postnatal care has long been known as the Cinderella of maternity services and now it seems to be dwindling further away. Bearing the brunt of financial cuts, postnatal visits have become less frequent and, in many areas, have moved away from the community and into hospitals and children’s centres. In some areas postnatal care is
- Published in breastfeeding, Newborn Care, Postnatal Care
2018 UK Maternity Report
Wednesday, 28 March 2018 by PrivateMidwives
Today, mums-to-be could be forgiven for thinking that motherhood is more complicated than it has ever been. From experiencing pressure to breastfeed or to even forego pain relief during birth, to conflicting advice about whether or not drinking alcohol is safe, mums-to-be often receive a wide range of different messages from a variety of sources
- Published in Labour, Labour & Birth, Midwife, Pregnancy, Uncategorized