Why have a water birth?
Monday, 17 April 2023 by PrivateMidwives
Many families plan to use water in labour, especially if they are planning to give birth at home. Many women share their birth stories, either in person or on social media, and you may come across personal experiences that involve a pool. So, what are the benefits of water birth and are there any downsides?
- Published in Birth Pools, Home Birth, Labour & Birth, Midwife
VBAC – Vaginal Birth after Caesarean Section and HBAC
Friday, 14 April 2023 by PrivateMidwives
A caesarean section may be a choice for some women, but for others, they prefer a vaginal birth if possible. If they had a caesarean section previously, they may still want a vaginal birth with the next baby. Whilst everyone wants a safe and healthy outcome for mum and baby, it is also important to
- Published in Home Birth, Labour & Birth