We know that labour and birth tend to be quicker, easier and more enjoyable when women stay at home. When you are calm and comfortable in your surroundings your body produces a natural hormone known as the ‘Happy Hormone or Love Hormone’. This hormone is very important during love making and in birth. However, it is also a ‘shy hormone’ and doesn’t flow well in strange or unfamiliar environments or when you are stressed. For this reason, many of our mums choose a home birth and if this is your choice, we will allocate a midwife to you who is expert in caring for mums at home. She will bring all the equipment she needs to care for you and baby safely. She will know you well, having provided your antenatal care and discussed your wishes with you. Your midwife will be very attentive and should there be any indication at all that things are not going as planned, she will detect this straight away and arrange for you to go to hospital. She will stay with you at all times.
The Royal College of Midwives and The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists both support home birth for women with uncomplicated pregnancies as it may actually provide several benefits. There is evidence to show birth at home increases the chance of normal, non-intervention birth. It is normally a safe option for women and improves the physical and psychological well-being of mum.
Please read or download the following Home Birth Document BEFORE making a booking or getting in touch with us:
Please read or download the following Home Birth Document BEFORE making a booking or getting in touch with us:
last year, 93% of our mums who planned a home birth and commenced labour at home, went on to have a positive and fulfilling home birth
Would you like your very own, brand new birthing pool at home? This really is the ultimate combination for a normal, relaxing, positive birth. We can arrange all of this for you. We can also arrange for gas & air to be available for you, just in case you need a little bit of extra help.
Do you want a home birth but your partner is worried? We have male midwives who specialise in supporting dads through home birth. If you would like us to arrange a man-to-man chat for your partner, give us a call on 0800 380 0579
Work With Us:
Midwives: Work With Us
NHS: NHS Trusts
UK: 0800 3800 579
R.O.I 1800 937 119
Copyright © 2021 Private Midwives
The Heath Business Centre, Runcorn, WA7 4QX
Website development by Arise Media
Copyright © 2021 Private Midwives
The Heath Business Centre,
Runcorn, WA7 4QX
Website development by Arise Media