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Home Birth After Caesarean - HBAC in London

Fanny contacted Private Midwives to discuss having a HBAC (home birth after caesarean) for the arrival of her second child.

After having an emergency C-Section with the birth of her first child, Fanny knew that she would have a better chance of a vaginal birth for her second child if she had the birth at home. Our midwives, Emma & Paige,  were at hand to advise and provide care to Fanny and the arrival of her gorgeous son, Loris.

Fanny has kindly shared her birth story experience and some great feedback on the care she received:

Fanny's Experience:

  • My first birth was an emergency C-section during the first lockdown. I knew the best chances for a vaginal birth would be by having my baby at home so I fought for that plan very early in pregnancy.

    At 40+2 weeks I couldn't wait to meet my baby and I'd had strong Braxton Hicks for the past couple of weeks so when my midwife Emma offered a sweep I agreed right away. That very evening I could tell things were starting. We put the toddler to bed and I told my partner to  get some rest. From midnight I was going from the bed to the bath, breathing through surges, listening to hypnobirthing tracks and grabbing my partner's hands. My midwife came to check on me around 1am, stayed to observe, and because my cervix was only 2cm open left to get some sleep. My son woke up at 7am and had breakfast next to us. After he left for the childminder, the surges got really intense. Emma arrived around 11am and checked my cervix. I was at 5cm and it was a relief ! I asked for some gas and air and it worked wonders; I was extremely relaxed. There was some concern that I was dehydrated and not passing urine until my midwife realised that I was already pushing. The second midwife Paige arrived and they started getting towels and covers on the bedroom floor. My partner had got the pool ready so I asked that we go downstairs. In the pool, I could feel my cervix and a very hairy head. I broke my waters and things moved on very swiftly. I followed guidance from Emma and Paige during the pushing stage with my partner being in the pool next to me. The head came out first while I was squatting. I got on all fours and my baby boy was out ! The placenta followed as I stood up to get out of the pool. My son came back from the childminder to meet his baby brother!

    It was an unreal experience and an amazing discovery of what my body is able to do. I want to thank Emma Lawless and Paige Allen from Private Midwives for supporting me and for being such exceptional midwives.

Meet the midwife

Birth is a very personal and intimate event. We recognise how important it is that you meet your midwife and have a “connection” so that you can develop a trusting, professional relationship going forward. We hold regular “meet the midwife” sessions where you can come along and chat to past clients, talk to the midwives and ask questions. We also offer you a free consultation to talk through things on a more personal level and discuss your individual needs and wishes. Please contact us for further information.

If you would like to find out about our Meet the Midwife sessions please call 0800 380 0579

Have a look at more of our testimonials here
