Continuity of Care
It is the principal of Individualised care often called “continuity of care” that we adhere to at UK Birth Centres, as we feel it is the Gold Standard of Midwifery Care. Our aim has always been to provide sensitive, non-intrusive support and encouragement for the woman in our care. Our philosophy for the birth is the maintenance of a quiet and private environment, where you, the woman, can feel safe and uninhibited and can labour without distraction.
- Published in Labour, Labour & Birth, Midwife
Midwives for you
I don’t think I can recall a time where morale has been so high with in active birth and natural labour circles! Following on from the NICE guidelines regarding the increased safety offered by giving birth outside the Consultant Units, I thought you would like to know about the benefits of having your own midwife.
- Published in Home Birth, Labour, Labour & Birth, Midwife
Home birth safer than hospital birth for healthy low risk women
A new recommendation by NICE says mums are better off giving birth in the comfort of their own home than in hospitals.
- Published in Home Birth, Labour, Labour & Birth, Midwife
Being present, as a protective “force-field” of loving kindness is your job
Men: when the woman you love is being taken over by an oxytocin fuelled trip, you are going to become an adrenalin factory! Why? Because when we were hunter gathers she needed protecting. She still DOES!
- Published in Labour, Labour & Birth, Midwife, Working with UKBC