Your pregnancy – weeks 28 to 32
As your bump pushes up against your lungs and you have extra weight to carry around, you may feel breathless.
- Published in Home Birth, Labour, Labour & Birth, Midwife
Pregnancy Ailments
I have always found pregnancy amazing and beautiful. Your body goes through many changes and endures so much but sometimes not all of these changes are pleasant and can leave you feeling uncomfortable, worried and tired. Most of these changes are very common and not dangerous. I will discuss a few common aliments and what you can do to feel better.
- Published in Labour, Labour & Birth, Midwife
Touch and Massage
Preparation tips for your birth and beyond - massage techniques
- Published in Labour & Birth
Call The Midwife…
Midwives are the specialists in pregnancy and birth!
We believe that the midwife’s role is to assist and care for women; to understand the birth process emotionally, mentally and physically and to support and educate women to be able to make informed choices.
- Published in breastfeeding, Home Birth, Labour, Labour & Birth, Midwife, Newborn Care