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Antenatal & Postnatal Care and Home Birth in Bath, Somerset

Chaya from Bath, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who they named Rachel. Chaya wanted support in both antenatal and postnatal along with support for her home birth.

Private midwives provided support from the 20th week of her pregnancy all the way through the birth and the following 2 weeks of baby Rachel's arrival.

We asked Chaya if she would be happy to give us some feedback of both her experience and the way Private Midwives supported her during this happy time, here are the answers Chaya gave:

How are things following the birth?

  • We're loving being parents to Rachel - she's now 3 and half months old but we still tell everyone we meet about her amazing birth!

How did everything go?

  • Really really well - we were extremely well prepared by Joy and the complications of the pregnancy were normalised (I had Obstetric Cholestasis and was 43 so an older mum - if I'd been with the NHS the fear would have kept creeping in and ruined the whole experience)

Are you Breast or Bottle feeding?

  • Breast - completely. Rachel is the most horrendous feeder though so it's been a real challenge (luckily for her we're too bone idle (and poor!) to think about bottles!!)

How likely are you to recommend Private Midwives to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?

  • Absolutely. I'll have to start saving up for my daughter who is now 20 years old! We were very lucky to have Joy- she was a perfect fit for our family. Such a shame she is retiring....I do hope she'll change her mind as midwives like her are very much needed! Independent midwives are the guardians of midwifery care and should be available to everyone. I've lived on benefits all my life and live in a council flat so probably not your typical client!! Sue was our second midwife and was really lovely although we met her very briefly.

Did you feel you were involved in discussions about your care and treatment?

  • Always, absolutely. Joy gave us TIME and that was what we valued most. She met with my older daughter (aged 20) and also my mum who both loved her too...and it really made them relaxed about us having a homebirth which was a relief.

Did you feel your privacy dignity and independence was respected?

  • Very much so. As a doula and NCT teacher I had a lot of strong ideas and thoughts about what I wanted and she respected this completely. If Joy had said we needed to go in for a caeasarean we would have as we trusted her completely.

Were you offered a choice of where and when you care was to be provided and did it suit your individual needs?

  • Very much so - Joy was also able to come to my more medical appointments at the hospital too and that was really appreciated.

Did you feel your Midwife was experienced and were happy with the care he/she provided?

  • Her experience permeated everything she did. She arrived at our home at 7.20am and Rachel was born at 7.45am! At no point were we concerned or anxious about her not being there because we were so confident that things were going to happen smoothly...this was very much down to Joy being so normal, particularly for my boyfriend who was a first time dad!

Meet the midwife

Birth is a very personal and intimate event. We recognise how important it is that you meet your midwife and have a “connection” so that you can develop a trusting, professional relationship going forward. We hold regular “meet the midwife” sessions where you can come along and chat to past clients, talk to the midwives and ask questions. We also offer you a free consultation to talk through things on a more personal level and discuss your individual needs and wishes. Please contact us for further information.

If you would like to find out about our Meet the Midwife sessions please call 0800 380 0579

Have a look at more of our testimonials here
