Women are awake to the notion that being a mother starts when your baby is in the womb and they want to make choices about their pregnancy and birth that will have a positive impact on their babies. Birth is a physiological process that has built in hormone release that floods your body and crosses to the baby giving you both a loving feeling that remains long after the birth giving you a blissful, helpful start to Motherhood!
For most women, home birth is where physiological birth has a huge chance to succeed. Feeling comfortable and cared for in your own familiar surrounding by a midwife known to you, helps you to stay relaxed, calm and in control. By having a physiological birth your baby will receive the perfect hormone cocktail that was intended for them to feel pain free and an overwhelming feeling of well-being at birth! They are then triggered to breath as the physiological process allows the umbilical cord to keep pulsating through to the baby whilst the lungs inflate with air for the first time.
Your baby is held by you, its naked body against your naked chest, a bright new being so loved during your pregnancy that is now here for you to see for the first time in all its pink glory! You speak to your baby and kiss it caressing your miraculous beautiful baby and then an amazing reflex is triggered and your baby starts seeking the breast and latches and takes its first blissful mouthfuls of your Milk! Ingesting the perfect protein for them! They are lining their gut with the correct mixture of antibodies and nutrition that slowly triggers their digestive process.
Each of you are unique and as such the “One size fits all” approach of maternity does not do you justice. As a midwife working with Private Midwives I am able to give you a unique bespoke care plan for your pregnancy and births. This is then followed up with precious and extremely important postnatal care for you and your new baby. You will never regret hiring your own midwife to allow you to take control of this most important part of your life.
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