Have you ever wondered why so many women start to labour at night ? it is instinctual behaviour- it is DARK, QUIET, free from PREDATORS so mothers choose to bring their young into the world as it is safer- how amazing !
Consider homebirth – relaxed, you can choose your birth companions wisely, even your midwives. Private Midwives have passionate experienced midwives who share the belief that birth is special
Stay at home as long as you can before going to hospital Eat drink and keep active !
Use natural ways to manage the positive pain of childbirth- consider using water for relief
Consider hypnosis- learn how to stay calm and in control. Did you know it can shorten labour? Did you know that hypno babies are calmer, sleep and feed better ?
When you arrive at the hospital ask your midwife to lower the lights and wait a little while before an examination (unless there is a medical need to do this straight away).
Do not be tempted to get on the bed- keep active! We are designed to move around-check out our FREE active birth workshop
It is important for you to feel as safe as possible in your birthing environment so if you would WORRY and feel SCARED at home your labour would not continue without intervention. This is where our birth suite may be useful for you- home from home with midwives who you know and trust.-
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