If you have been in the habit of reading my blogs I hope you have concluded that I believe in birth as a Physiological process and that women are beautifully designed to give birth. I am however reminded daily that for many women their experience of birth is not a positive one and they are left feeling traumatised and feel that their bodies have failed them.
Fundamentally the process of birth is governed by the 3 P’s
- The Power, that is the uterine contractions are the power house behind birth.
- The Passenger, refers to your baby.
- The Passages, refers to the birth canal and your pelvis.
It is a combination of these 3 factors and how they inter act that results in how smoothly the birth process proceeds. I have recently considered the subject of breech presentation and how the fact that the baby is coming bottom first has a massive impact on the birth process. However today I want to focus on the “passages” and the way that your pelvis impacts on the birth process.
As midwives we are taught that there are 4 shapes of pelvis and for a straight forward birth a gynaecoid shape is preferable! However I believe the shape of your pelvis is not as important as the use of body optimising techniques in all birth preparation.
Today we are faced with a fast paced modern lifestyle, which results in the excessive release of adrenaline, making us literally ready to run or fight. The results are that muscles and ligaments deep in our pelvis are constantly contracted due to this stress or tension, and eventually the muscles will shorten. If left uncorrected this contraction within the pelvis may cause an obstruction to the progress of labour.
Relaxation, optimal foetal positioning and pregnancy yoga will help to loosen and open the pelvis and reverse the negative effects of tight ligaments and muscles .An alternative therapy that is also excellent in preparing the pelvis for birth is known as “Rebozzo” and involves techniques using a long woven shawl .
We at Private Midwives are passionate about preparing you both mentally and physically for your birth and are able to put you in contact with midwives conversant in Rebozzo techniques. Contact us today to find out more 0800 3800 579.
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