A new recommendation by NICE says mums are better off giving birth in the comfort of their own home than in hospitals.
The report by Britain’s National Institute of Health and Care Excellence says home is safer than the hospital for healthy women because doctors are prone to using interventions like C-sections and epidurals that can put the mum and baby at risk.
Here at the Private Midwives we are always looking to support women’s choice, we have a holistic approach which puts the focus on what women know will help them feel relaxed and more confident when it comes to giving birth.
It was with great interest that we read NICE guidelines as we have a high home birth rate at Private Midwives with many clients wanting to enhance their chance of a natural birth. We welcome the publication by NICE of their findings as they endorse the very way we at Private Midwives provide care for women.
Home birth however is safest when the Midwife has experience and knows the mother well and has organised good links with the back-up Hospital. By working very closely with our women, we at UK Birth Centres are able to prepare women to give birth in a natural physiological way.
By having a physiological birth you give your baby the perfect start to life outside the womb supplying them with a hormone cocktail that ensures they have a feeling of well-being at birth!
In the words of Professor Mark Baker, NICE’s clinical practice director,
“Where and how a woman gives birth to her baby can be hugely important to her. Although women with complicated pregnancies will still need a doctor, there is no reason why women at low risk of complications during labour should not have their baby in an environment in which they feel most comfortable.”
This is what your body is designed to do so why not explore the possibility of a home birth with your own midwife and start preparing for a wonderful birth!
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